Watch Sisters: The Summer We Found Our Superpowers online

Can you stream the Family & Fantasy movie Sisters: The Summer We Found Our Superpowers on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Sisters: The Summer We Found Our Superpowers

Vega (8) and Billie (4) are on a hike with their dad when the accident occurs: He falls into a rock crack and injures himself. Thus, the girls must try to find their way back to get help.

TAGLINE: "The road comes when we get lost"

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Its release date is Friday August 7, 2020

Production details

Cast Billie Østin, Nina Ellen Ødegård, Thomas Skjørestad & Vega Østin
Genre Family & Fantasy
Country of origin Norway
Release date 2020-08-07
Theme Werewolves
Location Boston


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