Watch Slapstick (Of Another Kind) online

Can you stream the Comedy & Science Fiction movie Slapstick (Of Another Kind), directed by Steven Paul & starring Jerry Lewis, Jim Backus, Madeline Kahn & Marty Feldman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Slapstick (Of Another Kind)

A rich, beautiful couple give birth to deformed alien twins who, when their heads are together, are the smartest kids on the planet.

TAGLINE: "Extra-terrestrials have never been this spaced-out before."

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Its release date is Thursday December 9, 1982

Production details

Director Steven Paul
Cast Jerry Lewis, Jim Backus, Madeline Kahn & Marty Feldman
Genre Comedy & Science Fiction
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1982-12-09
Script Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (novel) & Steven Paul
Cinematography Anthony B. Richmond
Music Morton Stevens
Runtime 82 min

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