Watch Sleepers West online
Can you stream the Crime & Drama movie Sleepers West, directed by Eugene Forde & starring Lloyd Nolan, Louis Jean Heydt, Lynn Bari & Mary Beth Hughes on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Sleepers West
Mike Shayne tries to distinguish criminals from red herrings as he escorts a surprise witness via rail to a high profile trial in San Francisco.
Its release date is Friday March 14, 1941
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Friday March 14, 1941
Production details
Director | Eugene Forde |
Cast | Lloyd Nolan, Louis Jean Heydt, Lynn Bari & Mary Beth Hughes |
Genre | Crime & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1941-03-14 |
Theme | Michael Shayne |
Script | Brett Halliday (character created by), Frederick Nebel (based on a novel by), Lou Breslow (screen play) & Stanley Rauh (screen play) |
Cinematography | J. Peverell Marley |
Music | Cyril J. Mockridge |
Runtime | 74 min |