Watch S&Man online
Can you stream the Horror movie S&Man, directed by J.T. Petty & starring Carol J. Clover, Debbie D, Elizabeth Cartier & Michelle Glick on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: S&Man
An exploration of voyeurism in cinema, from Psycho and Peeping Tom in 1960 to the low-budget underground genre films of recent years.
Its release date is Friday March 10, 2006
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Its release date is Friday March 10, 2006
Production details
Director | J.T. Petty |
Cast | Carol J. Clover, Debbie D, Elizabeth Cartier & Michelle Glick |
Genre | Horror |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 2006-03-10 |
Theme | Cinema, Fake Documentary, Found Footage, Mockumentary, Underground & Voyeurism |
Script | J.T. Petty (screenplay) |
Runtime | 84 min |