Watch Smart House online
Can you stream the Drama, Family & TV Movie movie Smart House, directed by LeVar Burton & starring Katey Sagal, Katie Volding, Kevin Kilner & Ryan Merriman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Smart House
A teenager wins a fully-automated dream house in a competition, but soon the computer controlling it begins to take over and everything gets out of control. Then teenage Ben must calm the computer named PAT.
TAGLINE: "Where the computer at home has an opinions of her own." All streaming services available
Its release date is Saturday June 26, 1999
Production details
Director | LeVar Burton |
Cast | Katey Sagal, Katie Volding, Kevin Kilner & Ryan Merriman |
Genre | Drama, Family & TV Movie |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 1999-06-26 |
Theme | Artificial Intelligence |
Place setting | Missouri |
Location | Los Angeles |
Script | Stu Krieger & William Hudson |
Runtime | 82 min |
Homepage | Smart House Homepage |