Watch So My Grandma’s a Lesbian! online
Can you stream the Comedy & Romance movie So My Grandma’s a Lesbian!, directed by Ángeles Reiné & starring David Verdaguer, Ingrid García-Jonsson, Rosa Maria Sardà & Verónica Forqué on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: So My Grandma’s a Lesbian!
Its release date is Friday April 10, 2020
All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday April 10, 2020
Production details
Director | Ángeles Reiné |
Cast | David Verdaguer, Ingrid García-Jonsson, Rosa Maria Sardà & Verónica Forqué |
Genre | Comedy & Romance |
Country of origin | Spain |
Release date | 2020-04-10 |
Theme | Boyfriend Girlfriend Relationship, Closeted Homosexual, Edinburgh, Scotland & Lesbian Relationship |
Script | Ángeles Reiné |
Runtime | N/A |
Homepage | So My Grandma’s a Lesbian! Homepage |