Watch Sommersby online
Can you stream the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie Sommersby, directed by Jon Amiel & starring Bill Pullman, James Earl Jones, Jodie Foster & Richard Gere on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Sommersby
A farmer returns home from the Civil War, but his wife begins to suspect that the man is an impostor.
TAGLINE: "She knew his face. His touch. His voice. She knew everything about him... But the truth." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday February 5, 1993
Production details
Director | Jon Amiel |
Cast | Bill Pullman, James Earl Jones, Jodie Foster & Richard Gere |
Genre | Drama, Mystery & Thriller |
Country of origin | France & The United States |
Release date | 1993-02-05 |
Theme | Amnesia, Capital Punishment, Death Penalty, Loss Of Loved One, Return, Southern Usa, Village Life, War Veteran & Wife Husband Relationship |
Time setting | 1860s |
Location | Virginia & West Virginia |
Script | Anthony Shaffer (story), Daniel Vigne (film The Return of Martin Guerre), Jean-Claude Carrière (film The Return of Martin Guerre), Nicholas Meyer (screenplay), Nicholas Meyer (story) & Sarah Kernochan (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Philippe Rousselot |
Music | Danny Elfman |
Box Office Revenue | $140,081,992 |
Runtime | 114 min |