Watch Spectral online

Can you stream the Action, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Spectral, directed by Nic Mathieu & starring Clayne Crawford, Emily Mortimer, James Badge Dale & Max Martini on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Spectral

A sci-fi/thriller story centered on a special-ops team that is dispatched to fight supernatural beings.

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Its release date is Thursday December 1, 2016

Production details

Director Nic Mathieu
Cast Clayne Crawford, Emily Mortimer, James Badge Dale & Max Martini
Genre Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2016-12-01
Theme Military & Supernatural
Place setting Moldova
Location Budapest
Script George Nolfi, Ian Fried (story) & Nic Mathieu (story)
Cinematography Bojan Bazelli
Music Junkie XL
Runtime 107 min


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