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Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Star Crystal, directed by Lance Lindsay & starring C. Juston Campbell, Faye Bolt, John W. Smith & Taylor Kingsley on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Star Crystal

Crew members aboard a space ship encounter an alien life form intent on killing them.

TAGLINE: "...In Space scientists have discovered a new life form...they are about to wish they hadn't..."

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Its release date is Saturday March 1, 1986

Production details

Director Lance Lindsay
Cast C. Juston Campbell, Faye Bolt, John W. Smith & Taylor Kingsley
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1986-03-01
Theme Alien, Astronauts, Mars & Missions to Mars, Monster & Outer Space
Time setting 2032
Script Eric Woster (story), Lance Lindsay (screenplay) & Lance Lindsay (story)
Cinematography Robert Caramico
Music Doug Katsaros
Runtime 91 min

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