Watch Starman online
Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Romance movie Starman, directed by John Carpenter & starring Charles Martin Smith, Jeff Bridges, Karen Allen & Richard Jaeckel on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Starman
An alien takes the form of a young widow's husband and asks her to drive him from Wisconsin to Arizona. The government tries to stop them.
TAGLINE: "In 1977 Voyager II was launched into space, inviting all lifeforms in the universe to visit our planet. Get ready. Company's coming." All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday December 13, 1984
Production details
Director | John Carpenter |
Cast | Charles Martin Smith, Jeff Bridges, Karen Allen & Richard Jaeckel |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Romance |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1984-12-13 |
Theme | Alien, Cherry Pie, Extraterrestrial Life, Lovers, Places And Planets, Police Car & Widow |
Location | Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Las Vegas Valley, Tennessee & Utah |
Script | Bruce A. Evans & Raynold Gideon |
Cinematography | Donald M. Morgan |
Music | Jack Nitzsche |
Costs | $22,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $28,744,356 |
Runtime | 115 min |