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Can you stream the Adventure & Science Fiction movie Stasis, directed by Nicole Jones-Dion & starring Anna Harr, Mark Grossman, Phyllis Spielman & Tiana Masaniai on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Stasis

After a night out of partying Ava wakes up and sneaks back home only to find that somebody's already in her bed and they look exactly like her. Ava learns that a time-traveling fugitive has stolen her body and she is now a ghost and invisible to everyone.

TAGLINE: "Their war. Our time."

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Its release date is Friday June 2, 2017

Production details

Director Nicole Jones-Dion
Cast Anna Harr, Mark Grossman, Phyllis Spielman & Tiana Masaniai
Genre Adventure & Science Fiction
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2017-06-02
Script Nicole Jones-Dion
Runtime 90 min


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