Watch Strange Triangle online

Can you stream the Crime movie Strange Triangle, directed by Ray McCarey & starring Anabel Shaw, Preston Foster, Shepperd Strudwick & Signe Hasso on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Strange Triangle

Viperish Francine Huber seduces visiting salesman Sam Crane. Sam later finds out that Francine is married to a business associate of his and decides to have no more to do with her. Francine...

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Its release date is Friday May 17, 1946

Production details

Director Ray McCarey
Cast Anabel Shaw, Preston Foster, Shepperd Strudwick & Signe Hasso
Genre Crime
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1946-05-17
Theme Film Noir
Script Charles G. Booth (adaptation), Jack Andrews (story) & Mortimer Braus (screenplay)
Cinematography Harry Jackson (cinematographer)
Music David Buttolph
Runtime 65 min
