Watch Sweet Talker online
Can you stream the Comedy & Romance movie Sweet Talker, directed by Michael Jenkins & starring Bryan Brown, Chris Haywood, Justin Rosniak & Karen Allen on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Sweet Talker
A sweet-talking con man starts to turn his life around when he falls in love in this family oriented comedy.
TAGLINE: "Harry Reynolds could talk the stripes off a zebra and the smile off a Cheshire cat. But this time he's in over his head." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday May 10, 1991
Production details
Director | Michael Jenkins |
Cast | Bryan Brown, Chris Haywood, Justin Rosniak & Karen Allen |
Genre | Comedy & Romance |
Release date | 1991-05-10 |
Script | Bryan Brown (story), Tony Morphett & Tony Morphett (story) |
Box Office Revenue | $382,510 |
Runtime | 86 min |