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Can you stream the Science Fiction & Thriller movie Tau, directed by Federico D'Alessandro & starring Ed Skrein, Gary Oldman, Maika Monroe & Sharon D. Clarke on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Tau

A woman is held captive by a scientist in a futuristic smart house, and hopes to escape by reasoning with the Artificial Intelligence that controls the house.

TAGLINE: "No bars. No guards. No escape."

All streaming services available

Its release date is Wednesday June 20, 2018

Production details

Director Federico D'Alessandro
Cast Ed Skrein, Gary Oldman, Maika Monroe & Sharon D. Clarke
Genre Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2018-06-20
Theme Artificial Intelligence, Escape Attempt & Kidnapping
Script Noga Landau
Runtime 97 min
Homepage Tau Homepage


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