Watch Teddy Boy My Love online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Teddy Boy My Love, directed by Giannis Dalianidis & starring Kostas Voutsas, Nikitas Platis, Nitsa Marouda & Zoe Laskari on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Teddy Boy My Love

Two lovers discover that their widowed parents have a secret affair and are about to be married.

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Its release date is Monday December 13, 1965

Production details

Director Giannis Dalianidis
Cast Kostas Voutsas, Nikitas Platis, Nitsa Marouda & Zoe Laskari
Genre Comedy
Country of origin Greece
Release date 1965-12-13
Script Gerasimos Stavrou (screenplay)
Runtime 80 min