Watch Tenement online

Can you stream the Action, Horror & Thriller movie Tenement, directed by Roberta Findlay & starring Corinne Chateau, Joe Lynn, Mina Bern & Walter Bryant on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Tenement

A drug selling and violent street-gang terrorize the renters of a big trashy apartment-house.

TAGLINE: "A bloodbath in the Bronx!"

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Microsoft Starz
Its release date is Friday September 20, 1985

Production details

Director Roberta Findlay
Cast Corinne Chateau, Joe Lynn, Mina Bern & Walter Bryant
Genre Action, Horror & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1985-09-20
Theme Gang, Murder, Rape, Revenge & Terrorized
Place setting Bronx & New York City
Location New York City
Script Joel Bender (screenplay), Joel Bender (story), Rick Marx (screenplay) & Rick Marx (story)
Cinematography Roberta Findlay
Music Walter E. Sear
Runtime 94 min

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