Watch The Basement online

Can you stream the Horror movie The Basement, directed by S.F. Brownrigg & Timothy O'Rawe & starring David Webber, Dennis Driscoll, Kathleen Heidinger & Scott Corizzi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Basement

A young psychiatric nurse goes to work at a lonesome asylum following a murder. There, she experiences varying degrees of torment from the patients.

TAGLINE: "They're waiting... FOR YOU!"

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Its release date is Tuesday January 3, 1989

Production details

Director S.F. Brownrigg & Timothy O'Rawe
Cast David Webber, Dennis Driscoll, Kathleen Heidinger & Scott Corizzi
Genre Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1989-01-03
Theme Child abuse, Dysfunctional Families, Incest, Rape & Swimming Pool
Place setting Nevada, New York City & Psychiatric Hospitals
Time setting 1958
Location California & New York City
Script Tim Pope & Timothy O'Rawe
Cinematography Alexander Gruszynski, Robert B. Alcott & William M. Miller
Music Robert Farrar, Robert Folk & Ryan Shore
Runtime 89 min