Watch The Basket online

Can you stream the Drama movie The Basket, directed by Rich Cowan & starring Amber Willenborg, Karen Allen, Peter Coyote & Robert Burke on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Basket

A picturesque Pacific Northwest community raising its wheat and children in the midst of a nation reeling from World War I sets the stage for The Basket. In a time of pain and prejudice ...

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Its release date is Friday May 5, 2000

Production details

Director Rich Cowan
Cast Amber Willenborg, Karen Allen, Peter Coyote & Robert Burke
Genre Drama
Release date 2000-05-05
Theme Animated Television Series Dysfunctional Families, Animated Television Series Orphans, Animated Television Series Teenagers, Dysfunctional Families & Fiction Shapeshifting
Script Don Caron (screenplay), Frank Swoboda (screenplay), Rich Cowan (screenplay) & Tessa Swoboda (screenplay)
Box Office Revenue $619,042
Runtime 105 min

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