Watch The Binding online

Can you stream the Drama, Horror & Thriller movie The Binding, directed by Domenico Emanuele de Feudis & starring Federica Rosellini, Giulia Patrignani, Mariella Lo Sardo, Mía Maestro, Riccardo Scamarcio & Sebastiano Filocamo on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Binding

While visiting her fiancé's mother in southern Italy, a woman must fight the mysterious and malevolent curse intent on claiming her daughter.

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Its release date is Friday October 2, 2020

Production details

Director Domenico Emanuele de Feudis
Cast Federica Rosellini, Giulia Patrignani, Mariella Lo Sardo, Mía Maestro, Riccardo Scamarcio & Sebastiano Filocamo
Genre Drama, Horror & Thriller
Country of origin Italy
Release date 2020-10-02
Script Daniele Cosci (screenplay), Daniele Cosci (story), Davide Orsini (screenplay), Domenico Emanuele de Feudis (screenplay) & Domenico Emanuele de Feudis (story)
Runtime 93 min
Homepage The Binding Homepage

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