Watch The Chapel online

Can you stream the Drama & Horror movie The Chapel, directed by Carlota Pereda & starring Belén Rueda, Josean Bengoetxea, Loreto Mauleón & Maia Zaitegi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Chapel

It follows the child Emma in her journey to learn how to communicate with the spirit of a girl, Uxoa, who has been trapped in a hermitage for centuries, so she tries to persuade Carol, a skeptical medium, to help her.

TAGLINE: "Never forget to say goodbye."

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Its release date is Friday November 17, 2023

Production details

Director Carlota Pereda
Cast Belén Rueda, Josean Bengoetxea, Loreto Mauleón & Maia Zaitegi
Genre Drama & Horror
Country of origin Spain
Release date 2023-11-17
Theme Supernatural Drama
Script Albert Bertran Bas, Carlota Pereda & Carmelo Viera
Runtime 103 min

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