Watch The Corruptor online
Can you stream the Action, Crime & Mystery movie The Corruptor, directed by James Foley & starring Byron Mann, Chow Yun-fat, Kim Chan & Mark Wahlberg on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Corruptor
With the aid from a New York City policeman, a top immigrant cop tries to stop drug-trafficking and corruption by immigrant Chinese Triads, but things get complicated when the Triads try to bribe the policeman.
TAGLINE: "You can't play by the rules if there aren't any." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday March 12, 1999
Production details
Director | James Foley |
Cast | Byron Mann, Chow Yun-fat, Kim Chan & Mark Wahlberg |
Genre | Action, Crime & Mystery |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1999-03-12 |
Theme | Chinatown, Gang War, Life And Death, New York, Police & Triad |
Place setting | New York City |
Location | Toronto |
Script | Robert Pucci |
Cinematography | Juan Ruiz Anchía |
Music | Carter Burwell |
Costs | $25,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $15,156,200 |
Runtime | 110 min |