Watch The Dam Busters At 75 Live from Royal Albert Hall online
Can you stream the movie The Dam Busters At 75 Live from Royal Albert Hall on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Dam Busters At 75 Live from Royal Albert Hall
Regarded as a British classic, The Dam Busters is directed by Michael Anderson (Logan’s Run/Around the World in 80 Days). Based on the legendary true story of Commander Guy Gibson and his squadron, The Dam Busters (1955) captures all the thrilling action and suspense of the magnificent exploits of a group of young pilots and their crews, charged with taking out the supposedly impenetrable Ruhr river dams of Germany with an ingeniously designed bouncing bomb.
Its release date is Thursday May 17, 2018
Regarded as a British classic, The Dam Busters is directed by Michael Anderson (Logan’s Run/Around the World in 80 Days). Based on the legendary true story of Commander Guy Gibson and his squadron, The Dam Busters (1955) captures all the thrilling action and suspense of the magnificent exploits of a group of young pilots and their crews, charged with taking out the supposedly impenetrable Ruhr river dams of Germany with an ingeniously designed bouncing bomb.
All streaming services available
No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Thursday May 17, 2018
Production details
Release date | 2018-05-17 |
Place setting | England, Germany & Lincolnshire |
Time setting | 1943 |
Cinematography | Erwin Hillier |
Music | Eric Coates |