Watch The Dead Zone online

Can you stream the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie The Dead Zone, directed by David Cronenberg & starring Brooke Adams, Christopher Walken, Martin Sheen & Tom Skerritt on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Dead Zone

A man awakens from a coma to discover he has a psychic ability.

TAGLINE: "In his mind, he has the power to see the future. In his hands, he has the power to change it."

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Its release date is Friday October 21, 1983

Production details

Director David Cronenberg
Cast Brooke Adams, Christopher Walken, Martin Sheen & Tom Skerritt
Genre Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1983-10-21
Theme Assassinations, based on novel, Coma, Premonition, Psychopathic Killer, Sacrifice, Sheriff, Suspense & Vision
Place setting Maine
Location Ontario
Script Jeffrey Boam (screenplay) & Stephen King (novel)
Cinematography Mark Irwin
Music Michael Kamen
Costs $10,000,000
Box Office Revenue $20,766,616
Runtime 103 min


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Cosmopolis | May 25th, 2012

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The Brood | May 25th, 1979

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Cosmopolis | May 25th, 2012

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