Watch The Designated Victim online
Can you stream the Thriller movie The Designated Victim, directed by Maurizio Lucidi & starring Katia Christine, Luigi Casellato, Pierre Clémenti & Tomás Milián on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Designated Victim
A wealthy, decadent count convinces a disillusioned playboy that they shall murder one another's relatives, to get away with the perfect crime. The count murders the playboy's unpleasant ...
Its release date is Thursday April 22, 1971
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Thursday April 22, 1971
Production details
Director | Maurizio Lucidi |
Cast | Katia Christine, Luigi Casellato, Pierre Clémenti & Tomás Milián |
Genre | Thriller |
Release date | 1971-04-22 |
Theme | Mistress, Psychological & Whodunit |
Place setting | Milan & Venice |
Script | Aldo Lado (story), Anthony La Penna (English dialogue), Antonio Troiso (story), Augusto Caminito (story), Fabio Carpi (screenplay), Fulvio Gicca Palli (screenplay), Luigi Malerba (screenplay) & Maurizio Lucidi (story) |
Cinematography | Aldo Tonti |
Music | New Trolls |
Runtime | 105 min |