Watch The Devil Comes at Night online

Can you stream the Horror movie The Devil Comes at Night, directed by Scott Leaver & starring Elias Zarou, Jason Martorino, Shawn Ahmed & Todd Campbell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Devil Comes at Night

A washed up boxer searching for his inheritance must fight for his life when he is trapped in his deceased father's farmhouse by a local cannibal cult.

TAGLINE: "He will consume your soul."

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Its release date is Tuesday June 6, 2023

Production details

Director Scott Leaver
Cast Elias Zarou, Jason Martorino, Shawn Ahmed & Todd Campbell
Genre Horror
Country of origin Canada
Release date 2023-06-06
Script Adrienne Kress, Ryan Allen & Scott Leaver
Runtime 80 min
