Watch The Emperor Jones online

Can you stream the Drama movie The Emperor Jones, directed by Dudley Murphy & William C. de Mille & starring Billie Holiday, Dudley Digges, Fredi Washington & Paul Robeson on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Emperor Jones

Unscrupulously ambitious Brutus Jones escapes from jail after killing a guard and through bluff and bravado finds himself the emperor of a Caribbean island.

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Its release date is Friday September 29, 1933

Production details

Director Dudley Murphy & William C. de Mille
Cast Billie Holiday, Dudley Digges, Fredi Washington & Paul Robeson
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1933-09-29
Theme Caribbean, Caribbean Nations, Escape & Island
Script DuBose Heyward (screenplay) & Eugene O'Neill (play)
Cinematography Ernest Haller
Music Rosamond Johnson
Runtime 72 min

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The Emperor Jones | Sep 29th, 1933

The Emperor Jones
6.5/10 | By Dudley Murphy & William C. de Mille
The United States | Drama
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video Fandor Starz