Watch The Engineer online

Can you stream the Action & Thriller movie The Engineer, directed by Danny A. Abeckaser & starring Angel Bonanni, Danny A. Abeckaser, Emile Hirsch & Tsahi Halevi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Engineer

Follows the biggest manhunt in the history of Israel to find Yahya Ayyash, the mastermind bombmaker who oversaw a group of suicide troops in Israel in the middle of the 1990s.

TAGLINE: "The team that took down the mastermind behind the deadliest suicide bombings in history."

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Its release date is Friday August 18, 2023

Production details

Director Danny A. Abeckaser
Cast Angel Bonanni, Danny A. Abeckaser, Emile Hirsch & Tsahi Halevi
Genre Action & Thriller
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2023-08-18
Script Kosta Kondilopoulos
Runtime 92 min


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