Watch The FJ Holden online

Can you stream the Drama movie The FJ Holden, directed by Michael Thornhill & starring Eva Dickinson, Gary Waddell, Paul Couzens & Sigrid Thornton on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The FJ Holden

Bankstown, NSW, Australia, 1970s. Kevin and his mate Bob spend their time drinking and cruising around the western suburbs of Sydney in Kevin's yellow FJ Holden, looking for girls. One day ...

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Its release date is Friday April 29, 1977

Production details

Director Michael Thornhill
Cast Eva Dickinson, Gary Waddell, Paul Couzens & Sigrid Thornton
Genre Drama
Country of origin Australia
Release date 1977-04-29
Theme Fast Cars, Road Movie, Sydney & Teenage Girl
Script Terry Larsen
Cinematography David Gribble
Music Jimmy Manzie
Runtime 101 min
