Watch The Flesh Eaters online
Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie The Flesh Eaters, directed by Jack Curtis & starring Barbara Wilkin, Byron Sanders, Martin Kosleck & Rita Morley on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Flesh Eaters
A group of young adults trapped on a desert island find the water inhabited by a violent form of flesh-eating organisms.
TAGLINE: "Behind this Membrane...You Will Be Driven To a Point...Midway Between Life and Death!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday March 18, 1964
Production details
Director | Jack Curtis |
Cast | Barbara Wilkin, Byron Sanders, Martin Kosleck & Rita Morley |
Genre | Horror & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1964-03-18 |
Script | Arnold Drake (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Carson Davidson |
Music | Julian Stein |
Runtime | 87 min |