Watch The Good Lie online

Can you stream the Drama movie The Good Lie, directed by Philippe Falardeau & starring Corey Stoll, Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Baker & Thad Luckinbill on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Good Lie

A group of Sudanese refugees given the chance to resettle in America arrive in Kansas City, Missouri, where their encounter with an employment agency counselor forever changes all of their lives.

TAGLINE: "Miracles are made by people who refuse to stop believing."

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Its release date is Friday June 27, 2014

Production details

Director Philippe Falardeau
Cast Corey Stoll, Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Baker & Thad Luckinbill
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2014-06-27
Theme Kansas, Refugee & Sudanese
Place setting Sudan
Location Atlanta & South Africa
Script Margaret Nagle
Cinematography Ronald Plante
Music Martin Leon
Runtime 110 min


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The Good Lie | Jun 27th, 2014

The Good Lie
7.4/10 | By Philippe Falardeau
The United States | Drama
Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation