Watch The Grey Zone online
Can you stream the Drama & War movie The Grey Zone, directed by Tim Blake Nelson & starring Daniel Benzali, David Arquette, Harvey Keitel & Steve Buscemi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Grey Zone
A Nazi doctor, along with the Sonderkommando, Jews who are forced to work in the crematoria of Auschwitz against their fellow Jews, find themselves in a moral grey zone.
Its release date is Thursday September 13, 2001
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Its release date is Thursday September 13, 2001
Production details
Director | Tim Blake Nelson |
Cast | Daniel Benzali, David Arquette, Harvey Keitel & Steve Buscemi |
Genre | Drama & War |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2001-09-13 |
Theme | Auschwitz, Books Death, Doctor, Holocaust, Jews Judaism & Uprising |
Place setting | Poland |
Time setting | 1940s |
Location | Bulgaria |
Script | Miklos Nyiszli (based in part on "Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account"), Tim Blake Nelson & Tim Blake Nelson (play) |
Cinematography | Russell Lee Fine |
Music | Jeff Danna |
Runtime | 108 min |