Watch The Hexecutioners online

Can you stream the Horror movie The Hexecutioners, directed by Jesse Thomas Cook & starring Ari Millen, Liv Collins, Sarah Power & Timothy Burd on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Hexecutioners

Two disparate young women working for a company that conducts euthanasia are dispatched to a remote estate to perform a custom assisted-suicide ritual, but unwittingly summon the wraiths of a Death Cult that once inhabited the property.

TAGLINE: "Dying is a wild night"

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Amazon Prime Video Vudu
Its release date is Wednesday October 21, 2015

Production details

Director Jesse Thomas Cook
Cast Ari Millen, Liv Collins, Sarah Power & Timothy Burd
Genre Horror
Country of origin Canada
Release date 2015-10-21
Theme Cult, Haunting & Ritual
Script Tony Burgess
Runtime 95 min


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