Watch The Humanity Bureau online

Can you stream the Action & Science Fiction movie The Humanity Bureau, directed by Rob W. King & starring Hugh Dillon, Jakob Davies, Nicolas Cage & Sarah Lind on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Humanity Bureau

A dystopian thriller set in the year 2030 that sees the world in a permanent state of economic recession and facing serious environmental problems as a result of global warming.

TAGLINE: "In the near future our government will decide who is expendable."

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Its release date is Tuesday July 11, 2017

Production details

Director Rob W. King
Cast Hugh Dillon, Jakob Davies, Nicolas Cage & Sarah Lind
Genre Action & Science Fiction
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2017-07-11
Theme Dystopic Future
Time setting 2030
Script Dave Schultz
Cinematography Mark Dobrescu
Music Todd Bryanton
Runtime 95 min


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