Watch The Hunters online
Can you stream the Crime, Mystery & Thriller movie The Hunters, directed by Kjell Sundvall & starring Jarmo Mäkinen, Lennart Jähkel, Rolf Lassgård & Tomas Norström on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Hunters
A Stockholm cop moves back home to his brother near Norway and Finland. He investigates out of control deer poaching. He confiscates rifles with no permits. Everybody, even his brother and local cops, are against him. Things escalate
Its release date is Friday February 2, 1996
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Its release date is Friday February 2, 1996
Production details
Director | Kjell Sundvall |
Cast | Jarmo Mäkinen, Lennart Jähkel, Rolf Lassgård & Tomas Norström |
Genre | Crime, Mystery & Thriller |
Country of origin | Sweden |
Release date | 1996-02-02 |
Theme | Dirty Cop, Nordic Noir, Poacher, Rape, Rural Area & Sibling Relationship |
Script | Björn Carlström & Kjell Sundvall |
Cinematography | Kjell Lagerroos |
Music | Björn J:son Lindh |
Costs | $17,500,000 |
Runtime | 113 min |