Watch The Inheritance online
Can you stream the Drama movie The Inheritance, directed by Mauro Bolognini & starring Anthony Quinn, Dominique Sanda, Fabio Testi & Gigi Proietti on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Inheritance
Quinn plays a retired bakery tycoon, alienated from his two sons and jealously guarding his vast wealth... until a cunning young beauty (Sanda) enters the picture, marries one son, seduces ...
Its release date is Thursday October 21, 1976
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Thursday October 21, 1976
Production details
Director | Mauro Bolognini |
Cast | Anthony Quinn, Dominique Sanda, Fabio Testi & Gigi Proietti |
Genre | Drama |
Country of origin | Italy |
Release date | 1976-10-21 |
Place setting | Rome |
Script | Gaetano Carlo Chelli (novel), Roberto Bigazzi, Sergio Bazzini & Ugo Pirro |
Cinematography | Ennio Guarnieri |
Music | Ennio Morricone |
Runtime | 124 min |