Watch The Las Vegas Story online

Can you stream the Drama movie The Las Vegas Story, directed by Robert Stevenson & starring Hoagy Carmichael, Jane Russell, Victor Mature & Vincent Price on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Las Vegas Story

The arrival in Las Vegas of a businessman and his glamorous wife creates a complex web of murder and deceit.

TAGLINE: "Las Vegas... where everybody plays a game! And these two play the oldest game on earth... with a new twist!"

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Its release date is Wednesday January 30, 1952

Production details

Director Robert Stevenson
Cast Hoagy Carmichael, Jane Russell, Victor Mature & Vincent Price
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1952-01-30
Theme Film Noir & Las Vegas
Place setting Las Vegas Valley
Script Earl Felton (screenplay), Harry Essex (screenplay), Jay Dratler (story) & Paul Jarrico (screenplay)
Cinematography Harry J. Wild
Music Leigh Harline
Runtime 88 min


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