Watch The Last Scout online

Can you stream the Science Fiction movie The Last Scout on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Last Scout

After the earth is destroyed by war, a scout team of astronauts searches the universe for an inhabitable place to save the human race.

TAGLINE: "Our only hope for survival is a new world"

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Its release date is Monday July 17, 2017

Production details

Cast Blaine Gray, Deji LaRay, Rebecca Ferdinando & Simon Phillips
Genre Science Fiction
Country of origin United Kingdom
Release date 2017-07-17
Theme 21st Century, Derelict Ship, Mission, New World, Survivor, Uninhabitable & War
Place setting Los Angeles
Location California & Los Angeles
Cinematography Ward Russell
Music Michael Kamen
Costs $3,200,000
Runtime 107 min
