Watch The Legend of Halloween Jack online
Can you stream the Horror movie The Legend of Halloween Jack, directed by Andrew Jones & starring Aaron Jeffcoate, Jared Morgan, Jason Gregg & Lee Bane on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Legend of Halloween Jack
On Halloween night, a serial killer returns from the dead to take revenge on the vigilantes who put him to death one year earlier.
Its release date is Tuesday July 21, 2020
All streaming services available
Its release date is Tuesday July 21, 2020
Production details
Director | Andrew Jones |
Cast | Aaron Jeffcoate, Jared Morgan, Jason Gregg & Lee Bane |
Genre | Horror |
Release date | 2020-07-21 |
Theme | Halloween Night, Revenge, Serial Killer, Undead & Vigilantes |
Location | Chicago |
Script | Andrew Jones |
Runtime | 90 min |