Watch The Leisure Seeker online
Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie The Leisure Seeker, directed by Paolo Virzì & starring Christian McKay, Donald Sutherland, Helen Mirren & Kirsty Mitchell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Leisure Seeker
A runaway couple go on an unforgettable journey in the faithful old RV they call The Leisure Seeker.
TAGLINE: "A Once in a Lifetime Roadtrip They Will Never Forget" All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday January 3, 2018
Production details
Director | Paolo Virzì |
Cast | Christian McKay, Donald Sutherland, Helen Mirren & Kirsty Mitchell |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | France & Italy |
Release date | 2018-01-03 |
Theme | Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Elderly Couple, Extramarital Affair, Florida, Road Trip, Teacher & Winnebago |
Location | Atlanta |
Script | Francesca Archibugi (screenplay), Francesco Piccolo (screenplay), Michael Zadoorian (novel), Paolo Virzì (screenplay) & Stephen Amidon (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Luca Bigazzi |
Music | Carlo Virzì |
Box Office Revenue | $3,009,621 |
Runtime | 112 min |
Homepage | The Leisure Seeker Homepage |