Watch The Lion Woman online

Can you stream the Drama movie The Lion Woman, directed by Frank Montgomery, Garth Davis, Jack Bonavita & Vibeke Idsøe & starring Ida Ursin-Holm, Kjersti Tveterås, Rolf Kristian Larsen & Rolf Lassgård on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Lion Woman


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Its release date is Friday April 7, 2017

Production details

Director Frank Montgomery, Garth Davis, Jack Bonavita & Vibeke Idsøe
Cast Ida Ursin-Holm, Kjersti Tveterås, Rolf Kristian Larsen & Rolf Lassgård
Genre Drama
Country of origin Norway
Release date 2017-04-07
Theme Brothers, Prostitution & Woman Director
Place setting Madhya Pradesh & Tasmania
Time setting 2008, 2010 & 2012
Location Foreign India
Script Erik Fosnes Hansen (based upon the novel by), N/A & Vibeke Idsøe
Cinematography Greig Fraser
Music Hauschka
Runtime N/A