Watch The Misery Brothers online

Can you stream the Comedy movie The Misery Brothers, directed by Lorenzo Doumani & starring Gary Ross, Leo Rossi, Lorenzo Doumani & Robert Costanzo on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Misery Brothers


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Its release date is Sunday January 1, 1995

Production details

Director Lorenzo Doumani
Cast Gary Ross, Leo Rossi, Lorenzo Doumani & Robert Costanzo
Genre Comedy
Release date 1995-01-01
Theme Domestic Violence, Dysfunctional Families & Incest
Place setting Maine
Time setting 1975 & 1995
Location Nova Scotia
Script N/A
Runtime 87 min

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Bug Buster | Jan 18th, 1998

Bug Buster
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United States of America | Comedy & Horror
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