Watch The Mount 2 online

Can you stream the Horror movie The Mount 2, directed by Ian Sera & Isaac Barrao & starring Christina Linares, Esther Roiz, Mia Sen & Niall Serra on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Mount 2

Following on from the events of The Mount, we revisit Philomena's home in what is promised to be a larger and darker spectacle than the first instalment.

All streaming services available

Amazon Video Vudu
Its release date is Friday May 12, 2023

Production details

Director Ian Sera & Isaac Barrao
Cast Christina Linares, Esther Roiz, Mia Sen & Niall Serra
Genre Horror
Release date 2023-05-12
Script Isaac Barrao
Runtime N/A
Homepage The Mount 2 Homepage
