Watch The Natural online
Can you stream the Drama movie The Natural, directed by Barry Levinson & starring Glenn Close, Kim Basinger, Robert Redford & Wilford Brimley on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Natural
An unknown comes out of seemingly nowhere to become a legendary player with almost divine talent.
TAGLINE: "He lived for a dream that wouldn't die." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday May 11, 1984
Production details
Director | Barry Levinson |
Cast | Glenn Close, Kim Basinger, Robert Redford & Wilford Brimley |
Genre | Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1984-05-11 |
Theme | Attempted Murder, Baseball, Child Prodigy, Corruption, Femme Fatale, Redemption, Sport, Talent & Years |
Time setting | 1920s, 1930s & 1984 |
Location | Buffalo, New York |
Script | Bernard Malamud (novel), Phil Dusenberry (screenplay) & Roger Towne (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Caleb Deschanel |
Music | Ennio Morricone & Randy Newman |
Costs | $28,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $47,951,979 |
Runtime | 138 min |