Watch The NeverEnding Story III online

Can you stream the Fantasy movie The NeverEnding Story III, directed by Peter MacDonald & starring Jason James Richter, Kevin McNulty, Melody Kay & Tracey Ellis on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The NeverEnding Story III

A young boy must restore order when a group of bullies steal the magical book that acts as a portal between Earth and the imaginary world of Fantasia.

TAGLINE: "It's a brand new beginning in the adventure that never ends"

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Its release date is Wednesday October 26, 1994

Production details

Director Peter MacDonald
Cast Jason James Richter, Kevin McNulty, Melody Kay & Tracey Ellis
Genre Fantasy
Country of origin Germany & The United States
Release date 1994-10-26
Theme Flying, Magic & Wish Fulfillment
Location South Dakota & Vancouver
Script Jeff Lieberman (screenplay), Karin Howard (story) & Michael Ende (characters)
Cinematography Robin Vidgeon
Music Peter Wolf (producer)
Costs $17,000,000
Runtime 95 min


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Mo’ Money | Jul 24th, 1992

Mo’ Money
5.4/10 | By Peter MacDonald
The United States | Action, Comedy & Thriller
Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime Starz