Watch The Next Karate Kid online

Can you stream the Adventure movie The Next Karate Kid, directed by Christopher Cain & starring Constance Towers, Hilary Swank, Michael Ironside & Pat Morita on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Next Karate Kid

Mr. Miyagi is back and he takes a new pupil under his wing; a troubled adolescent girl.

TAGLINE: "Who says the good guy has to be a guy?"

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Its release date is Monday July 18, 1994

Production details

Director Christopher Cain
Cast Constance Towers, Hilary Swank, Michael Ironside & Pat Morita
Genre Adventure
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1994-07-18
Theme Becoming An Adult, Bullying Fiction, Classmate, Karate, Martial arts & Revenge
Place setting Los Angeles & Massachusetts
Location Massachusetts
Script Mark Lee & Robert Mark Kamen (characters)
Cinematography László Kovács (cinematographer)
Music Bill Conti
Costs $12,000,000
Box Office Revenue $15,826,984
Runtime 107 min


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