Watch The One and Only online

Can you stream the Comedy & Romance movie The One and Only, directed by Carl Reiner & starring Gene Saks, Henry Winkler, Kim Darby & William Daniels on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The One and Only

1951: Andy Schmidt is in his last year of college. Taking life easy and always a saucy joke on his lips, he manages to win fellow student Mary's heart, although she's already otherwise ...

TAGLINE: "She had to marry him. She was too embarrassed to have him as a date."

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Its release date is Friday February 3, 1978

Production details

Director Carl Reiner
Cast Gene Saks, Henry Winkler, Kim Darby & William Daniels
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1978-02-03
Theme Actors, Pro Wrestling & Sport
Place setting New York City
Time setting 1951
Location New York City
Script Steve Gordon
Cinematography Victor J. Kemper
Music Patrick Williams (composer)
Box Office Revenue $16,928,137
Runtime 97 min


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