Watch The Replacements online

Can you stream the Comedy movie The Replacements, directed by Howard Deutch & starring Brooke Langton, Gene Hackman, Keanu Reeves & Orlando Jones on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Replacements

During a pro football strike, the owners hire substitute players.

TAGLINE: "Throw the ball. Catch the girl. Keep it simple."

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Its release date is Monday August 7, 2000

Production details

Director Howard Deutch
Cast Brooke Langton, Gene Hackman, Keanu Reeves & Orlando Jones
Genre Comedy
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2000-08-07
Theme American Football, American Football Player, Coach, Labor Movement, Misfit, Sport & Strike
Place setting Baltimore
Location Baltimore, Maryland & Virginia
Script Vince McKewin
Cinematography Tak Fujimoto
Music John Debney
Costs $50,000,000
Box Office Revenue $50,054,511
Runtime 118 min


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