Watch The Seventh Juror online

Can you stream the Crime & Drama movie The Seventh Juror, directed by Georges Lautner & starring Bernard Blier, Danièle Delorme, Francis Blanche & Maurice Biraud on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Seventh Juror

In a moment of madness a respectable pharmacist kills a young woman who is sun-bathing by a lake. Unable to take in what he has done, he flees from the scene of the crime and behaves as if nothing has happened.

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Its release date is Monday April 16, 1962

Production details

Director Georges Lautner
Cast Bernard Blier, Danièle Delorme, Francis Blanche & Maurice Biraud
Genre Crime & Drama
Country of origin France
Release date 1962-04-16
Theme based on novel, Film Noir, Judge, Judgment, Jury, Legal Drama & Witness
Script Francis Didelot (novel), Jacques Robert & Pierre Laroche
Cinematography Maurice Fellous
Music Jean Yatove
Runtime 90 min

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