Watch The Silent Scream online

Can you stream the Horror & Thriller movie The Silent Scream, directed by Denny Harris & starring Avery Schreiber, Barbara Steele, Rebecca Balding & Yvonne De Carlo on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Silent Scream

During her first semester at college, a co-ed finds housing at a seaside mansion where, following the death of a fellow-student, she becomes entangled in a murder mystery surrounding the property and it's secretive tenants.

TAGLINE: "Terror so sudden there is no time to scream."

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Its release date is Friday November 23, 1979

Production details

Director Denny Harris
Cast Avery Schreiber, Barbara Steele, Rebecca Balding & Yvonne De Carlo
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1979-11-23
Theme Attic, College Student, Matricide Fiction, Slasher, Student & Suicide
Location Los Angeles
Script Jim Wheat, Ken Wheat & Wallace C. Bennett
Cinematography David Shore
Runtime 87 min


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