Watch The Skulls III online

Can you stream the Thriller movie The Skulls III, directed by J. Miles Dale & Rob Cohen & starring Barry Bostwick, Clare Kramer, Maria del Mar & Steve Braun on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Skulls III

A young college co-ed tries joining the elite, all-male, secret society, the Skulls, and in so doing, she uncovers some unscrupulous methods used by some of the members to get what they want.

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Its release date is Tuesday March 23, 2004

Production details

Director J. Miles Dale & Rob Cohen
Cast Barry Bostwick, Clare Kramer, Maria del Mar & Steve Braun
Genre Thriller
Release date 2004-03-23
Theme Brotherhood, College, Conspiracy Of Murder, Sexism & Suspicion Of Murder
Place setting Connecticut
Location New Hampshire & Toronto
Script Joe Johnson & John Pogue (film The Skulls)
Cinematography Shane Hurlbut
Music Randy Edelman
Runtime 102 min
